Dealing with A Problem
“Whatever you use to deal with a problem is where you end up. If you go to yourself or your mind, you end up in your mind. If you go to the darkness you end up with the darkness. If you go to God, the light, you end up with the light, receiving the Divine...
Remembering God
When things in life are going really well it is easy to get comfortable and not remember God, when challenges come we begin our search. Hafiz the poet says: Something missing in my heart tonight Has made my eyes so soft, My voice so tender My...
“Sages say that silence is the language of God and that all else is a poor translation” ~ Imam Jamal...
Surrendering the Ego
Release all that you are not until there is nothing left but the Real. The ego (NAFs) are not interested in going to God, because then they will no longer be in charge. When God appears ego must surrender or bow. ~ Cindy...
Circumstances Are Designed by God
Just as the beautiful pearl is formed by reacting to a threatening irritant, every circumstance in your life is designed by God perfectly. Even when it doesn’t look or feel that way, you are moving closer to awakening to God’s reality. ~ Cindy...
God’s World is Real
God’s world is real and always present. It exists in the hidden, subtle reality. The doorway is within your heart, in the silence.

What is Sufism?
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee says: “Sufism is the mysticism of the heart, a way back to God through the mystery of Divine Love”

Committing To A Relationship
The highest jewel of our human experience is the connection of the intimate love between two people. When you have that, you have a very powerful relationship. The depth and the love of sharing and beauty that you can have between you is remarkable and profound.

Building Connection In A Divine Relationship
The highest jewel of our human experience is the connection of the intimate love between two people. When you have that, you have a very powerful relationship. The depth and the love of sharing and beauty that you can have between you is remarkable and profound.