Spiritual Healing
Cindy has been trained in many healing modalities. She has her ACEH from the Inner Focus School of Soul Directed Energy Healing. Her most recent and in-depth training has been as a Master Sufi Healer. The ancient Sufi healing practices have been deeper and more profound than any of her other ways of working. These healing practices help transform stuck issues at the core, healing through the body, mind, heart, and soul. This work helps purify and transform blocks that prevent you from living in the deep love. Many things from our past, such as traumas, memories, negative experiences, all get stored in our hearts and body. These things can obscure our true authentic nature and distort our experiences in life. Through this work we release these distortions or conditions of life and return to our true essential nature.

This work is helpful with:
- Anxiety and fears
- depression, sadness, grief
- relationship issues
- negative held beliefs
- past memories, abuse issues
- feeling stuck
- finding your purpose
- listening to inner guidance
- being connected to Source